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Moon connection

Our reverence for the Moon dates back to ancient times when we were more in tune with nature's rhythms. How can we maintain this connection in modern times?

by Dylan Rae
Content writer

For eons, the instinctual rhythm of humans has been in accordance with the natural world around them. We have embraced and revered all pieces of the wild, as reflected in our rich histories and current day practices.

As a species, we have developed rituals, rites, celebrations, and holidays to mark the passing of the seasons and a wide variety of natural phenomena. Perhaps one of the most prominent natural cycles is that of the lunar cycle.

As a piece of ancient astrology, the lunar cycle is said to have great influence on our own energies and the energy around us. Depending on the phase of the moon, different rituals and practices can be seen as more opportune than others as well.

Across cultures and throughout the history of humanity, the moon was and still is considered a potent source of divine energy.

Ancient Practices

There are many recorded (and unrecorded) ways humans have celebrated the moon as the piercing-silver sliver dangling in the night’s sky slowly grows into a full, beaming white orb. The lunar cycle was and continues to be a cherished piece of cultural significance for many ancient traditions and indigenous practices.

One example of such a ceremony is the Mexica Moon Dance or Las Danza Le Luna. Las Danza Le Luna is an ancient, closed practice of the Mexica peoples that works to channel the power of the moon. On a full moon, the Mexica women engage in a ceremony of singing, dancing, and prayer to connect to the healing properties of the moon. This ceremony is lead by the elder women of the tribe who guide the others with their wise and nurturing natures.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, ancient Pagans and Celts used the lunar cycle as a means to connect with their Goddess deities. On both full and new moons, those who practice these age-old rites engage in spell and ritual work to align themselves with the divine, feminine energies of the moon. Their relationship with this celestial body is distinct and treasured deeply by all who practice Pagan beliefs.

Additionally, in Hinduism, Chaitra Purnima (or full moon day) is marked by a day of fasting and prayer to Lord Vishnu. This is an annual tradition in which devotees fast from sunrise to moonrise and, if possible, bathe in a holy river before eating once again. The power of the full moon and river cleanse is said to represent salvation from the cycle of life and death.

Moonology Diary by Yasmin Boland

Personal Rituals

In today’s day and age, we are much more in-tune with the light from our phones and devices than we are with the light of the moon. If we are seeking to understand the influence of the natural world on our lives, we must return to our roots. Our ancestors have paved the way, we need only to take what works for us and apply it to our own lives.

If you are seeking a connection to the divine, feminine energies of the moon, consider participating in a moon circle. Grounded in ancient practices like La Danza Le Luna, moon circles offer a safe space for women to heal, grow, and support one another’s journey. They are a ritualistic celebration of the wisdom of the moon and the innate power of femininity. 

Moon circles can occur at any phase of the moon, though they are most commonly practiced during full and new moons.

Perhaps you prefer a more solitary spiritual practice and wish to seek connection to the moon by means of a personal ritual. Based in Pagan practices of spell work, you might opt to harness the energy of the moon by means of journaling.

Journaling requires that you pay close attention to the moon’s phases so you are aligned with what the different energies have to offer. You can use this time to reflect, express your desires, and practice gratitude for what you already have.

You might find that by paying close mind to cosmic shifts, you will notice ways in which your own life is in-sync with the natural forces at work.

Phases of the Moon courtesy NASA/Bill Dunford
Phases of the Moon courtesy NASA/Bill Dunford

Energies of Each Moon Phase

As the moon grows and shrinks in accordance with the passage of time, different phases offer unique energy that can be harnessed and used.

By working with the moon’s energy during its various phases, we can connect to an ancient human instinct and open our souls to a practice rooted in the origins of humanity itself.

When we embrace the natural rhythm of these celestial movements, we tap into a powerful primitive connection.

As you contemplate what a personal moon-based practice looks like for you, let the energies of the different lunar phases be a guiding force in developing your own rituals.

New Moons
The new moon is a blank slate from which to set and refine your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. Many ancient cultures consider the new moon as the start of the lunar month, representing a new beginning. This is an opportune time for self-reflection for what it is you are seeking and looking to invite into your life.

Waxing Moons
As the moon grows in size, waxing moons are usually identified as an excellent time for doing. The waxing moon represents the buildup and climb towards the full moon thus this energy is known to keep you focused as you reach towards your goals.

Full Moons
Full moons archetypally represent ripening opportunities and the fulfillment of wishes and desires. Across many practices, they are a time for celebration and manifestation. Full moons are also the end of the lunar month and represent a culmination of ideas and events.

Waning Moons
As the moon decreases its size, waning moons are viewed as a period of release. Consider and reflect on what’s no longer working for you; gently depart with parts of yourself and your life that no longer serve you.

Re-connect with Ancient Knowledge

Many of us have cut ourselves off from the wild things in this world as we continue to modernize and place emphasis on technological advancements.

If we are to be seekers of spiritual attunement, it is important we re-align ourselves with what our ancestors seemed to easily understand.

The energies of the natural world have influence over lives and we must watch, listen, and embrace them to stay connected.

Embrace your roots and consider adopting the tools of your ancestors to beckon the lunar power available to you.

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