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What is grounding?

Before shoes, we walked this world constantly soaking in the Earth’s electrons.

Amid the chaos of the world we live in, it is easy to get swept away in the hustle of everyday life. By neglecting the human need to connect with nature, we deny ourselves one of life’s greatest pleasures.

In order to reconnect with nature and embrace the peace and serenity of the Earth’s natural ecosystems, we need to spend more time in the lush green environments right outside our doors.

Grounding, also commonly referred to as earthing, is when you connect your bare skin to the Earth simply by walking or laying on the Earth’s natural surface. This simple technique can be incredibly therapeutic and help us to connect to Mother Earth while improving our health and wellbeing.

How does grounding work? The science behind the phenomenon

There are electrical conductivity connections between all existing cells in the living matrix. These electric currents move through cells and dictate some of the body’s natural responses.

For example, enhanced electrical currents have been shown to improve immune system function.

When a person touches their bare skin to the Earth’s surface, electrons are exchanged. Humans physically absorb the energy from the ground, causing alterations in their own electrical currents. This can have very positive effects on the body.

There are new studies coming out every day about the positive effects of grounding on one’s health and mental wellbeing.


Grounding practices

There are a few different ways you can practice grounding, including the following:

Walk barefoot.
Walking barefoot is the easiest and most common method. You can do it anywhere; simply remove your shoes and walk around, taking notice of how the ground feels beneath your feet.

Don’t be too worried about getting your feet dirty. Just enjoy the sensation and focus on the cool grass or soil and how it feels to be barefoot.

Lay on the ground.
You might have to search a bit to find a good area to lay down, whether it be on the grass, dirt, in the woods, at the beach, in the park, or wherever else.

Go for as much skin-to-ground contact as possible by shedding your layers. Connect the palm of your hands to the ground, so all those sensitive nerves in your hand get the full sensation of the Earth.

Go for a swim.
Submerging yourself in water works in the same way that touching the Earth does. You can choose any body of water- lake, ocean, river, pond, or even a pool.

Take a few minutes to float or submerge yourself underwater. Enjoy the feeling of the cool waves lapping at your skin.


The benefits of grounding

Grounding has many proven benefits for mental and physical health and wellness, including the following:

It reduces stress and anxiety. Grounding has instant mood lifting capabilities. This is both a product of spending time in nature, which most people find to be very soothing, and the effects of the electrical currents you absorb. Even just one hour of grounding can have significant improvements on a person’s mood.

It improves sleep. Those who participate in grounding activities have been shown to have improved sleep cycles. Not only is their sleep better quality, but they wake up feeling more refreshed and prepared to start their day. This has significant benefits for a person’s mood over the course of their entire day.

It reduces inflammation. Most of the illnesses contracted with old age are linked to inflammation. The electrical charges you absorb from grounding have been shown to reduce the amount of inflammation and the pain that usually accompanies it.

It improves blood pressure and blood flow. Research has shown that people who regularly practice grounding have a lower blood pressure than those who don’t. One study that examined ten hypertensive patients reported improved blood pressure within just a few months of using grounding methods.

It promotes physical healing. Fascinatingly, grounding has also been shown to speed up healing and reduce the ache of muscles after exercise. Not only does the body heal faster, but individuals that suffer from chronic pain have experienced relief just by using grounding. The Earth’s electrons promote body healing as well as immune system efficiency.

It regulates hormones. Grounding helps to regulate the levels of hormones in a person’s body. This includes the most common stress hormone, cortisol, as well as other hormones that affect one’s mood. When hormones are balanced, people operate at a much more well-adjusted emotional setting.

It aids digestion. If you regularly suffer from digestion or other stomach problems, grounding can help relieve your pain. It has been shown to help speed up digestion, calm upset stomachs, and reduce bloating.

It improves respiratory health. Grounding has been shown to relieve the symptoms of asthma and other respiratory problems. It increases the oxygen in your bloodstream, which flows throughout your body. This enhances the function of your cells and makes your body’s inner systems function more effectively.


Easy ways to start practicing grounding

Grounding is super easy and can be done basically anywhere! All you need is nature and to be comfortable enough to get a bit dirty.

Here are some easy ways to incorporate grounding into your life:

  • Go for a barefoot walk in your garden
  • Find a clear place to lay in your local park
  • Take a dip into a body of water near your home
  • Invite your friends to participate in a grounding picnic
  • Take your shoes off whenever you find yourself outside
  • Take a nap outside to practice grounding while you sleep

Start grounding today!

Nature is all around us. The opportunity to practice grounding is always at our fingertips, ready for us to incorporate the natural healing powers of Earth into our lives.

Shoes and clothes are human inventions. Before them, we walked this world constantly soaking in the Earth’s electrons. Grounding is a safe and healthy practice that will show improvements in many areas of your life.

Enhance your mood and improve your health by incorporating some of these simple grounding practices into your life.

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