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Nature, environment and healing

Human health and the natural environment have long been interconnected.

by Stephen Feest
Content writer | Licensed Therapist

There has long been a connection between nature and healing the human body.

Environmental psychology is an area that focuses on how environments such as our neighborhoods, hospitals and care facilities can create inviting, safe and healing atmospheres.

The healing effects from exposure to nature and natural elements is gaining more research-backed support.

With all the distractions and outlets of escapism such as social media and television, nature deprivation or a lack of time in the natural world, can be associated with depression and other mental health diagnoses.

A multidisciplinary approach to healing


Creating a connection between researchers and practitioners, working on developing a multidisciplinary approach to natural environment and health linkages is now increasingly common.

There has been a shift from treating illness and disease to a larger goal of overall wellness when it comes to health.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, being shut in at home, individuals found horticulture and gardening, indoor and out, as an outlet for their time and energy, discovering the benefits of having a connection with the natural world.

In the multidimensional approach to health and wellness, incorporating urban planning and public health as well as those in landscape architecture, horticulture, natural resources, and environmental psychology has been gaining popularity.

A team approach to not only designing environments but atmospheres that promote a connection with nature incorporates the healing effects of nature into modern, urban institutional settings.

With a shift to more and more urban living, there is a desire and, in some areas, a demand that more natural elements be incorporated into the design of urban living environments.

Cities are adding or enhancing parks and schools and other institutions are being designed with large windows and access to trees and green space or aquatic environments.

Businesses are increasingly aware of the desire among employees for access to green spaces.

Natural environments improve healing


Research has found that even the simple act of viewing scenes of nature, such as photos of natural scenes reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings.

Exposure to nature not only makes individuals feel better emotionally, but it also contributes to physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.

A classic example of how nature can assist in healing comes from a study done by Robert Ulrich. Ulrich conducted a study regarding patients who had gallbladder surgery.

One group of participants after surgery stared at a wall while another group of participants stared out at a scene of trees.

The result was the participants who had access to viewing nature healed faster with less pain and side effects.

Natural environments have a restorative advantage over artificial environments since people have a natural connection with nature due to the role it played in our evolution.

Natural environments create a sense of interest, escape, and connection that can result in replenishing attention and mindfulness.

The human mind struggles to adapt to unnatural, indoor environments like offices and hospitals while the brain does not need to adapt to natural environments.

Incorporating natural elements in man-made environments can lead to improved performance of attention.

Effects of negative ions on the body


One form of natural healing comes in the form of ions.

Negative ions are produced through nature as air molecules break apart. Positive ions are produced through electronics, factories and other man-made processes.

  • Positive ions can lead to anxiety, stress, headaches, irritability, and a lack of energy.
  • Negative ions are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, ultraviolet rays, the vital energy of plants and moving air and water, they are not harmful even if their concentration is high.

According to research, negative ions can help reduce depression, stress, anxiety, and digestive issues.

Reports say that they can improve a person’s concentration, sleep, and the oxygenation of cell tissues.

There are even studies that suggest that negative ions can reverse the aging process.

People can boost their negative ion intake with numerous different products. Some companies have created ionizers and generators to help people acquire negative ions.

Sources of negative ions


Frequently exposing the body to sources of high concentrations of negative ions can help improve health and wellbeing.

Running water, such as public fountains or waterfalls are natural sources of negative ions that unconsciously attract people.

Other sources of negative ions include beaches, forests (especially pine forests), moving air/wind, and dirt.

Along with nature settings to bask in high levels of negative ions, there are other activities that can generate negative ions in the home or office environment.

  • Burn beeswax candles as they can clean the air, produce negative ions, and assist with allergy and asthma reduction.
  • Use a Himalayan salt lamp in any space in your home where you spend a large portion of your time.
  • If you do not have access to a large outdoor fountain, try to incorporate an indoor fountain.

Himalayan salt lamps

It appears they counteract the electronic vibrations and excessive positive ions caused by electronic devices in the home like computers.

The Himalayan salt lamp attracts and absorbs water in the air and then evaporates it; the salt mixes with the water molecules creating a solution of positively charged ions of sodium and negatively charged ions of chloride.

The combination of the sodium and chloride creates a neutral charge that is released into the environment.

Running water

Fountains create negative ions through the force or energy of falling or splashing water which causes the neutral particles in the air to split which frees electrons to attach to other air molecules resulting in negative ions.

Gardening for healing

garden sign with quote 'as i work on the garden, the garden works on me'

Surround yourself with plants as another great option not only for access to negative ions but for overall health and wellbeing.

Access to the natural world through gardening helps burn calories and provides the mind with blocks of time spent in the natural world.

Plants clean the air by taking carbon dioxide and breathing out fresh oxygen and negative ions.

Research suggests that some plants release higher levels of negative ions than others.

The simple act of gardening focuses the mind on a goal which helps keep out repeating thoughts that cause anxiety.

Gardening also helps exposure individuals to natural sunlight and elements that can help build immunity from allergens.

Providing access to plants and gardens to older adults can help slow the progression of arthritis and other mobility issues through exercise and exposure to natural elements.

The sensory experience of gardening and reconnecting with nature provides a psychological break from the modern world.

With modern life demanding direct attention almost twenty-four seven and diagnoses such as attention deficit disorder, gardening creates a break in the day where natural instincts can kick in and the mind can calm itself down with effortless attention while improving hormone balance.



Grounding is the act of walking barefoot on the ground outdoors.

Also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that electrically reconnect you to the earth.

Walking barefoot on the ground and coming in direct contact with the Earth, your body absorbs negative ions and aligns to the same electric energy level as the earth.

When you’re outside, you can ground yourself by allowing the bottoms of your feet, palms of your hands, or entire body to touch the earth.

Walk in the grass, lay in the sand, or swim in a natural body of water.

These are all easy ways to naturally reconnect with the ions produced in nature and remain connected with the natural world for health and wellbeing.


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