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Connect with nature this winter

Ideas to stay in touch with Mother Nature during the dark, chilly months.

by Malin Jones
Lifestyle Journalist

As we enter the colder months, our schedules become full up with events and festivities. Side-tracked with planning and organising gifts etc, we can get lost within the consumerism of it all.

On top of that, as it gets colder and darker earlier throughout the months, we tend to spend our time inside.

We can become disconnected with nature during the last few months of the year and fail to appreciate the colours, textures, fruits and berries of our trees and shrubs!

If you’re looking to reconnect with nature both in and out of the cold, we’ve got the list for you!

Read: Discover creative and mindful pursuits to connect you with the autumn season


Great for the mind, body and soul, a simple walk can reignite that spark with nature.

Over the summer, the world reopened its doors meaning we jumped at the chance of spending time outside visiting places and people.

But as it gets colder and darker, we all like to hibernate away from the cold air. But actually, it’s great weather to have a short stroll in.

Experience the sounds of leaves crunching under your feet, crisp fresh air and the wonderful autumnal colours which can last well into late November here in the UK.

An added bonus – cold air is great for the skin! 

There are many spots you can visit. Local parks, botanic gardens and nature reserves are great for getting a glimpse at squirrels, robins and other wildlife.

using pine cones to make your own Christmas wrapping decorations


The last few months of the year feature a range of celebrations including Halloween, Diwali, Christmas and New Year’s.

We can make many fun decorations for this period.

On an afternoon walk, collect conkers and pinecones for decorations. Make wonderful, homely and eco-friendly Christmas tree decorations.

Pinecones are great for a feature bowl paired with fairy lights, as well as an advent candle plate decorated with tree cuttings and tinsel.

You can also bring in vibrant red and orange leaves to press and create artwork. Place the pressed leaves in a glass frame or use them as tools to paint.

Interior décor

One simple way to reconnect with nature and bring the outdoors in is through interior décor.

Follow the seasons by swapping out lighter colours from the summer and exchange for earthy, deeper tones like green, rust and navy.

Incorporate texture as well through the inclusion of woods such as walnut and dried flowers.

An easy switch, soft furnishings and ornaments can make a big difference as you see the outdoor colour palette translate to your indoor space. Add some sparkle to your furnishings and it’s the perfect time of year for candle light.

Painting clouds


Sometimes the outdoors can be too cold and wet for our liking.

Whilst we may experience endless days of rain or snow, we can get claustrophobic by being trapped inside our homes.

One great way to feel connected to nature as well as stimulate our creativity and mind is through painting.

Channel your inner Bob Ross and paint the outdoors from inside.

Simply look out your windows / doors and paint the trees, wildlife and skies around you.

If painting isn’t your thing, photography is just as good. Whether you’re using your phone, digital camera or film, appreciate nature through a new lens.

A red robin bird sitting in the snow


Whether you have a plot of land, a garden, window plant holders or an indoor greenhouse, gardening is a great way to get your hands dirty and connect with nature.

Play in the snow if you’re lucky! But more likely the leaves, you can have fun raking them up, identifying what they are and admiring their colours and shapes. 

Or why not visit your local botanic garden or garden centre for some professional inspiration.

If you have a garden or any small outdoor space, think about providing for wildlife, especially birds. 

Alice and Peg Hytte Box of eco-conscious gift boxes
Winter Limited Edition Hytte Gift Box from Alice & Peg


Since it is the festive season, one way in which we can reconnect with nature is by giving eco-friendly, nature inspired gifts.

Making us connect with nature in a different way, doing the conscious choice of finding sustainable gifts is a great way to protect the planet we love.

This can be natural beauty/skin care gifts, sustainable fashion pieces or an item of jewellery containing flowers and leaves.

Over the past few years, we have gained many wonderful options to give wonderful gifts that don’t cost the planet and allows us to connect with it.

Give the gift of nature.

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