Content to fuel your inner journey



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Wysdom Path

Mindfulness: the gift of being present

With connections to Eastern wisdom traditions, Mindfulness is the practice of being fully aware of the present moment as it unfolds.
Journaling For Self Discovery
Wysdom Path

Journaling for self-discovery

Journaling can act as a powerful tool to unlock our inner wisdom and grow our self-awareness.
Silviu Zidaru Dwjqs3qtfpo Unsplash
Wysdom Path

A guide to transcend the mind

Michael A. Singer outlines 12 steps to transcend the mind in order to connect with our Higher Self.
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Wysdom Path

Mindfulness or Meditation?

Both complement each other and share goals of self-awareness, wellbeing, reducing stress and personal growth.
Wysdom Path

Mindful meditation

The ultimate self-care hack that embraces the present moment, helps to reduce stress, and boosts overall wellbeing.
Wysdom Path

Intuition explored

Discover 15 intriguing facts about our "sixth sense", and gain deeper insight into its workings.
Discern Voice Of Heart
Wysdom Path

Cultivating heart wisdom

The heart is said to be the seat of the soul, centre of intuitive wisdom and the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.
Wysdom Path

Navigating intense connections

While challenging, spiritual connections offer profound opportunities for growth.
Observe Thoughts
Wysdom Path

Quiet the noise

Give yourself a break. Hit the pause button on endless mental chatter.
Observing Thoughts
Wysdom Path

The Power of Observing Your Thoughts

The next time you find yourself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, take a moment to step back and observe.
Intuitive Heart Wisdom
Wysdom Path

Discern the Voice of Your Heart-Centred Self

Within each of us lies a compass, a guide that leads us towards authenticity, purpose, and fulfilment.
Stream Of Consciousness
Wysdom Path

Navigating your Stream of Consciousness

Amidst the noise and distraction of daily life, you'll find a place of clarity and peace beyond the thinking mind.
Wisdom for the advanced spiritual seeker

Explore your innerverse

Spiritual growth

Embracing emotional release

Allowing the profound discomfort of emotional pain, I discovered a transformative power within myself.
Pain Body
Spiritual growth

Meeting my emotional pain-body

A negative energy field that occupies our body and mind, made of our accumulated emotional pain.
Spiritual growth

Releasing blocked energy

My ego's instinctual response to pain was avoidance. But I was denying myself a profound gift of healing.
The Fool Card In Tarot
Spiritual growth

The Fool’s Journey

In the archetypal landscapes of the tarot, we take a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.
Spiritual awakening

The Hermit phase of awakening

It's a journey inward to confront wounds and fears, unravel beliefs, and discover the wisdom within us.
Spiritual awakening

Tips to navigate the Hermit Phase

Experience this transformative stage of spiritual awakening with conscious awareness and acceptance.
Aaron Blanco Tejedor Qugwb1kqjqi Unsplash
Spiritual awakening

What are the signs of spiritual awakening?

How to tell if you’re having an awakening experience and common signs to look out for during the process.
Relationship Dynamics And Seeing A False Image Of Me
Spiritual growth

What is ego death?

According to Adyashanti we undergo a change of perception from ego-self to higher-self consciousness.
Ego Wants To Drive My Life
Spiritual growth

Who is driving my life?

Experiencing my ego's strong resistance to giving up control to the wisdom of my Higher Self.
Back to the source

Original wisdom

Original wisdom

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Chinese Medicine offers a holistic and ancient approach to health and healing, focusing on restoring balance and harmony within the body, mind and spirit.

Wysdomly Ikigai Diagram Is Not Ikigai
Original wisdom

What is ikigai?

Do you know that the popular ikigai diagram is a Westernised misinterpretation of a Japanese concept?
Original wisdom

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit in promoting health and wellness.
Essence Of Yoga
Original wisdom

The essence of yoga

In each style of yoga lies the essence of an ancient philosophy. We journey through the history of yoga to remember the original seeds of ...
Laozi Delivering The Daodejing
Original wisdom

Taoism: The Philosophy of Flow

A Chinese philosophy and spiritual tradition set on guiding followers to exist in harmony with the universe.
The I Ching
Original wisdom

I Ching: The World’s Oldest Oracle

Tracing back over 5000 years, the I Ching is an ancient Chinese divination manual and book of wisdom.
Thoth Trismegiste Le Premier Hermes Hermes Trismegiste
Original wisdom

Hermetic texts

We explore some of the most influential Hermetic texts, attributed to a mythical figure said to be both a demigod king in Ancient Egypt, and ...
Pexels Chinese Medicine Podcast Podcast 12809556
Original wisdom

Comparing Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda

Both systems aim to promote well-being and prevent illness by restoring harmony and balance to the body.

We ❤ Mother Earth

Nature connection

Embracing dawn

Many spiritual traditions harness the unique energy of sunrise, symbolising renewal, hope, and new beginnings.
Spring Equinox Blog Banner
Nature connection

Embracing renewal

Spring Equinox offers us the opportunity to celebrate the awakening of life and the promise of renewal.
Onur Kurt 8kxl2ywivne Unsplash
Nature connection

Easy ways to connect with nature

Step outside and let nature work its magic on your mind, body and spirit.
Photo: Conscious Design Fmta Zst3fk Unsplash
Nature connection

Indigenous Peoples connection to nature

A unique relationship based on a deep respect for the natural world and a commitment to sustainable living.
Pelargoniums For Europe Ahflp2qkrxc Unsplash
Nature connection

Nature, environment and healing

Human health and the natural environment have long been interconnected.
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Nature connection

Connect to nature this autumn

Ideas for creative and mindful pursuits to connect with the autumn season.
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Nature connection

Connect with nature this winter

Ideas to stay in touch with Mother Nature during the dark, chilly months.
Nick Page Tfuccmwqze Unsplash
Nature connection

What is grounding?

Before shoes, we walked this world constantly soaking in the Earth’s electrons.
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Nature connection


Originating in Japan, forest bathing is the practice of immersing our senses in nature to de-stress.
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Nature connection

Take a forest bath

Slow right down to nature's pace while observing the organic environment around you.
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Nature connection

What is Nature Therapy?

Therapists are turning to nature as a way to improve overall mind-body wellbeing.

Cosmic connections

Cosmic connections

10 types of astrology

From well-known astrological traditions to the more obscure practices, we explore 10 different types of astrology from around the world.
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Cosmic connections

Moon connection

Our reverence for the Moon dates back to ancient times when we were more in tune with nature's rhythms. How can we maintain this connection ...
Cosmic connections

What is Vedic astrology?

Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is the traditional Hindu system of astrology that originated in India over 5,000 years ago.
Holistic lifestyle

Live more consciously

Adidas Mylo sneakers
Conscious living

Bio-design your wardrobe

Want to take another step towards sustainability? Here’s 7 natural fabrics to look out for when shopping for your home and wardrobe.

Photowall Room34 Crop
Conscious living

Bring Mother Nature indoors

Connect to nature through decorating! We look at simple things you can do to your living spaces to bring nature into your home.
Zen Den
Conscious living

Create a Zen Den

Combining interior design and feng shui, we've crafted the ultimate guide to creating a space for rest and reflection.
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Conscious living

Create a Zen space

Create a space of balance, harmony and flow in your environment using the ancient Chinese traditional practice of Feng Shui.
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Conscious living

Spring decorating ideas

Infuse fresh springtime energy into your space with our easy ways to brighten up your home.
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Conscious living

Tap into flower power

Get the most from your blooms with our list of the top five ways flowers can benefit you in your daily life.
Conscious living

What is responsible travel?

Tips to minimise our carbon footprint, support local businesses, while also respecting local cultures and customs.
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