Releasing blocked energy

My ego's instinctual response to pain was avoidance. But I was denying myself a profound gift of healing.

Denying pain leads to a life half-lived, for true healing only comes through facing our deepest wounds.

During my inner journeying I frequently encountered some intense moments of clearing out of deep-seated energetic blocks. These blocks aren’t just abstract concepts; they’re the physical manifestation of suppressed emotions and wounded energy that are constantly seeking to be set free.

As these blocks make their final exit from the depths of our emotional and mental energy bodies, they unleash themselves through our physical bodies. And you can really feel it. For me, it often meant an uncontrollable flood of tears – a visceral release that’s as necessary as it is cathartic.

But before the tears flowed, there was something else – a stirring of unease deep within. My mind, normally a bustling hive of activity, kicked into overdrive, anxious and overactive. No matter what tactics I tried to manage the discomfort in my mind – acceptance, distraction, even self-love – the inner noise persisted. It was like trying to lasso the wind with my bare hands.

Pain is the touchstone of growth. By avoiding it, we deny ourselves the opportunity to evolve.

As I felt the energy block shifting within me, I realised why the anxiety and mental chaos were ramping up. Deep down, a part of me was recoiling from the discomfort of this painful energy on the move. My mind, ever the vigilant protector, resisted, desperate to halt the process. Externally, I found myself desperate, grasping for distractions, anything to numb the pain and pull me away from the present moment.

But my higher awareness knew there was no escaping this process. I had to dive headfirst into the experience, surrendering completely to the discomfort. And slowly but surely, a shift would start to happen if I could allow the discomfort, the pain. The heaviness would suddenly lift, replaced by a sense of clarity and lightness – like the sun suddenly emerging from behind the clouds after a dark storm. 

Through these painful moments of healing, I had a crucial realisation: our instinctual response to pain is to flee, to seek solace in distractions. But in doing so, we risk denying ourselves a profound gift – the chance to release and heal the unresolved energies that block our path to true wholeness.

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