Tips to navigate the Hermit Phase

Experience this transformative stage of spiritual awakening with conscious awareness and acceptance.

One of the most profound stages along the awakening path is the Hermit Phase, where we feel a strong pull towards solitude and introspection. While this phase can be unsettling and intense, it offers invaluable opportunities for deep inner exploration and growth. Here are some tips to navigate the Hermit Phase of spiritual awakening.

1. Embrace solitude

Understand that the Hermit Phase is a natural part of the spiritual journey, referenced in many ancient texts and modern spiritual experiences. It’s meant to bring you away from unconscious living and consciously embrace solitude as an opportunity to connect deeply with yourself, without external distractions. Create a peaceful space if you can, for contemplation and inner work. 

2. Cultivate self-enquiry

Use this time of solitude to engage in self-reflection. Journaling, meditation, and contemplative practices can help you delve into your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Ask yourself probing questions about your purpose, values, and desires. Explore your fears, insecurities, wounds and past traumas with compassion and curiosity, knowing this is a sacred time for them to come into the light of your higher awareness for healing.

3. Seek knowledge

The Hermit Phase is a time for inner seeking and learning. Dive into books, podcasts, and teachings that resonate with your spiritual journey. Explore various philosophies, spiritual traditions, and practices to gain deeper insights into yourself and the nature of existence. Stay open-minded and discerning as you navigate different sources of wisdom. Your higher self is guiding you to this wisdom to help you to heal through awareness.

4. Connect with spirituality

Nurture your spiritual connection through rituals, prayers, or mindfulness practices. Explore different spiritual paths and find practices that resonate with your soul. Whether it’s yoga, meditation, chanting, or spending time in nature, cultivate activities that help you feel connected to something greater than yourself. Many of ancient practices are designed to support awakening to higher consciousness and can also bring greater harmony between mind, body and spirit.

5. Release attachments

Use the Hermit Phase as an opportunity to release attachments to external identities, relationships, and material possessions. Let go of anything that no longer serves your highest good and aligns with your authentic self. Practice detachment and surrender to the flow of life, trusting that everything unfolds in divine timing. Much of this phase is about surrendering control from the ego-self to the wisdom of your higher self.

6. Embrace shadow work

The Hermit Phase often brings to light aspects of ourselves that we may have been avoiding or suppressing. Embrace shadow work as a vital part of your spiritual journey, acknowledging and integrating the hidden or repressed parts of your psyche. Do work with a therapist or spiritual guide if needed to navigate this deeper inner work.

7. Practice self-care

Nurture your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with nourishing food, regular exercise, and all the rest you need. Your mind, body, spirit complex is going through energetic clearing and healing and the physical body is the last of your energetic structure that experiences release. Engage in activities that bring you peace and relaxation, whether it’s taking long baths, indulging in creative pursuits, or most importantly, spending time in nature. Nature can bring a phenomenal amount of healing to your mind and body.

8. Trust the process

Remember that this is a stage – and so temporary – on your spiritual journey, leading to greater self-awareness and transformation. Trust the process and have faith in your inner guidance. Surrender to the unfolding of your awakening journey, knowing that you are supported and guided every step of the way by your higher self.

A deeper spiritual dive

1. Your awakening curriculum is unique to you

Consider how unique you are: your world view, your education, mindset, belief framework, personality traits, your wounds, upbringing, country of origin, religious/not religious, spiritual/scientific, logical/creative… and so on and so on, in a myriad of configurations. You are so unique in your complexity, that the lens through which you view and experience your life and your awakening journey is yours alone.

Everyone has their own ‘awakening curriculum’, there may be similarities, there may be resonance, but then, there may not. That doesn’t invalidate yours – or anyone else’s – journey. Only you can find and know what is your truth about what you have experienced, and what you need to heal.

Awakening for you doesn’t even need to be ‘spiritual’. For you awakening may be a rational, quiet internal shift of awareness, without any puff or pageantry. There is no one-fits-all magic formula.

It can be challenging to let go of much of your old identity and open to a new, heart-centered way of living”, Jeshua added. “Yet, this is the soul’s truest desire, and it therefore took the opportunity to incarnate at this time.

2. Trust the journey

Your wiser, higher self knows how you function in the world, knows your blocks, what your beliefs are, what you came to heal, what your desires are, and this aspect of you finds the best way to chart your journey.

During my awakening something inside guided me to books and courses that always gave me a healing. My inner intelligence knew what I needed to do and it was 100% right.

Often my mind didn’t know what was happening until after the event because the process was totally Soul-directed.

When you trust the inner You is gently trying to guide you – even if at times dragging you kicking and screaming – the process really can speed up.

That’s because trusting the process dissolves an incredible amount of personality-level resistance, allowing you to move through your healing faster.

True healing comes from within. It often takes more time than the personality expects and that can make people desperate. However, your soul has provided you with the tools to heal yourself. It will create people and circumstances in your life that will in some way help you, even if you do not realise it. But foremost, you have incredible power available within you.

3. Take responsibility for your growth

You are going to have to make yourself take ownership for your healing experiences, no matter how hard it is, or how victimised your personality feels. Only you can do this, no one can do it for you. It’s a solo journey. Of course there are people who can help you through the process. You certainly should be seeking help and support when you need it.

But there’s no way to bypass your inner work. There’s nowhere to run, except within yourself. You can try to run away from yourself but you’re only running from your own innate desire to grow and evolve. Growth at this level requires courage and perseverance because it’s not easy to look inside ourselves and stare at our wounds – there’s a surprising amount of resistance within us to heal.

When fear arises, remember this: You knew before you were born that fear would be a prominent component of your earthly experience. To know fear while in body is part of your plan. And so be very certain of this: Only the courageous plan fear. The courage it took to plan fear is the same courage it now takes to transform it.

4. Don’t dismiss or compare your experiences

Don’t ever dismiss or rationalise your awakening experience. Ignore anyone that tries to invalidate your feelings or experiences, including your own mind. There’s a million voices outside and inside your head that are not able to validate your highest truth, because they are not coming from your highest truth.

And don’t get stuck in comparisons with other people’s concepts, descriptions and experiences. Everyone is simply making sense of their journey, in accordance with their beliefs and experiences at the level of consciousness they are at in that moment. Practice discernment in accordance with your own truth, and take what resonates and dismiss that which doesn’t.

Each person is a vital thread within this tapestry. If just one thread were removed, the entire tapestry would unravel. In our seeming separation from one another, we often cannot see that we are essential; instead, we feel small, insignificant, even meaningless.

5. Keep an open mind

Having an open mind means dropping any ego concepts about awakening, and not relying on your mind for all the answers. You inner self is guiding you and its intuitive knowing and nudges don’t always start off in your thinking mind. In fact, sometimes the mind is the last to know.

If you do get stuck in overthinking, re-mind yourself that this is the ego-self trying to find answers to make things okay, rather than trusting in your higher self. Your mind probably has many concepts – misconceptions – about awakening, spiritual experiences, enlightenment and so on. They can create even more resistance, so keeping an open mind really can help your journey.

The bubble of bias that you come in with shields you from all realities that are not in your bubble. It shields you from the negative, and it shields you from the positive. Instead of coming in with a totally open mind, you carry in with you a pre-set of the way you think things work. If you’re presented, therefore, with something that is not in your bubble of reality, your analysis is not to allow it. You block it from even being discussed.

6. Your suffering is real

You may be so focused on moving to the higher, more evolved perspective, that you judge, supress or deny your emotions and experiences that make you human! The point of awakening isn’t to become super-human, to ascend or transcend doesn’t mean that we’re trying to eradicate the earthly aspect of us, our ego-mind, our attachments or the material world. We are just integrating our higher awareness, which holds a larger perspective of our life, into our personality-self. Bringing this higher light of awareness into our everyday life.

Don’t ever deny the realness of the pain or suffering you experience. It’s the key to what needs to heal, what your areas of growth are. Understanding this can bring a very deep level of acceptance and peace to the experiences of your life.

When I realised this I felt the utmost compassion for myself. I allowed myself to cry, have tantrums, to feel victimised, scared, confused, alone or abandoned. Doing this allowed me to release a lot of resistance and accept that this was damn hard. The struggle is real. The resistance is real. Your very humanity is what the soul chose for itself to learn, heal and grow through. Don’t ever dishonour yourself for what you feel, your Soul certainly never would.

Your soul feels grateful to you for your agreement and, indeed, for all you will do in your upcoming incarnation. Both your soul and your guides hold you in the utmost respect for the courage you show.

7. Be vigilant of your ego’s tactics to avoid pain

Your ego exists in the 3D world of fear, separation, definition, identification, drama, suffering and comparison. So when you start to unhook from your external world – your normal life, your history, your stories, even your society and politics – you’re creating a void that your ego-personality finds hugely uncomfortable and disorienting.

You are losing your sense of ‘I’ which is the ego. It doesn’t want to lose control because it thinks this means its death. It’s been running your show all your life. The ego isn’t bad, it just has its own fixed perspective, its own job. It doesn’t understand what’s going on, it can’t ‘see’ what your higher self sees. But unfortunately it dominates our thinking.

In its ignorance, it will wear many disguises and make many convincing arguments to abort this process and go back to what it knows, what feels comfortable and safe for it. It likes limitations and boundaries because it protects you from pain. This is what creates the resistance inside yourself to your own healing.

Some self-healing experiences can be acutely uncomfortable to the ego-self, and this causes us to desperately look outside of ourselves to make it go away – distractions, fixes, excuses, explanations – anything to avoid the pain. But look deep at the pain with courage, because as soon as you stop avoiding it, denying it and suppressing it – which your ego wants you to do – it is exposed to the light of your higher consciousness. This is often all we need to do to heal even the deepest of wounds.

Your soul is evolving just as much as you are. It wants to evolve through you, it is not standing by letting you suffer; it is right here with you. The soul knows, however, that the pain has meaning and leads to a new horizon, whereas the personality is generally less in touch with that awareness. So, to bring the soul’s perspective to the attention of the personality can make the pain bearable because it is put in a larger, meaningful perspective.

8. Healing crisis and seeking professional help

Awakening to myself was no walk in the park. I had a ton of traumatic wounding to heal and I went through the healing quietly on my own, and for a prolonged period of time. I couldn’t talk to anyone about it and no one could tell me what was going on. The inner work I was doing to clear and upgrade myself – looking at my fears, dismantling old beliefs, healing old wounds – was creating a tidal wave of energetic movement in my mind, emotions and body.

This manifested as regular healing crisis – a term used to describe feeling unwell or unbalanced after a healing process. Yukky energetic stuff gets churned up in our mind or body as we release, and makes us feel mentally, emotionally and/or physically unbalanced or unwell. Sometimes I felt mentally unhinged, confused and anxious. This was because I was experiencing a void from old beliefs and programmes that were dissolving, and had yet to be replaced with new ones.

Many times I felt utterly exhausted and depressed but I knew this was due to very heavy energies I was processing. I had to be compassionate with myself and rest, sleep and nurture my mind and body. I was in a constant cycle of clearing old, heavy energy to make space for new lighter energy, integrating it and then recalibrating myself to this new energy signature. And then it would repeat.

Sometimes there were moments that felt very dark to my personality-self. Times when the disconnection with the who I was and the outside world was so acute that it created a spiritual depression and despair that was unfathomably profound. I sometimes doubted I would ever come out of it alive, but I did.

I would always recommend getting any help you can to support your health, healing and your wellbeing. Reach out to an awakening community online and share experiences, get energy healing work to assist in moving heavy energies out, get a spiritual coach, a therapist, a massage, dietary advice to support your body.  And always seek professional/medical help and advice with any mental, emotional or physical imbalances or ailments.

You did this to foster the evolution of your soul. To veil yourself from your own grandeur and magnificence is an act of extraordinary courage. Now, as you awaken, you recall yourself as Divinity Incarnate.

Finally, what if You chose this awakening?

What if, from your Soul level, you pre-planned your awakening? That You actually chose to and wanted to awaken in this lifetime.

What if the ancient cultures were right about this current era on Earth? That the prophecies of a new, evolved human – homo luminous – is what you are in the process of creating right now? What if your courage to chose and go through this spiritual growth, to empower yourself, is playing a critical role in this evolution?

So really consider this: what if this awakening experience was designed by You for you?

A great shift in consciousness is now occurring on our planet. This shift depends completely upon those of us who are in body to raise our vibration… As we raise our vibration, Earth rises in vibration as well.

by Anjla💜

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