Ego Wants To Drive My Life

Who is driving my life?

Experiencing my ego's strong resistance to giving up control to the wisdom of my Higher Self.

The ego is terrified of losing control because it equates control with survival.

In my quest to attaining a higher state of consciousness, I would strive to connect to the awareness of my 5D/Higher Self.

Central to this practice was assuming the role of the curious impartial observer, where I would witness the intricate interplay between my daily life and the accompanying inner dialogue and fears, insecurities, triggers or irritations coming from within my 3D/ego-self.

As my self-awareness grew, I could gradually disengage from the grip of my ego’s auto pilot mind chatter and be very aware of being the observer. This often revealed itself in the realm of my dreams, where I either found myself lucid dreaming – aware I was the dreamer dreaming – or confronting the anxieties of my ego-self as it grappled with relinquishing its control over my thoughts and responses.

Though the symbolism of these dream experiences seemed simple, sometimes childlike, they served as profound markers of awakening within my consciousness. Each dream echoed a consistent message: an inner struggle where a part of me deeply feared surrendering control to the expansive consciousness of my Higher Self.

One such dream stands etched in my memory: I found myself a passenger in a speeding car hurtling down winding country lanes, gripped by terror as I realised the absence of a driver. Desperately attempting to seize control, I eventually realised the vehicle manoeuvred effortlessly, guided by an unseen force far beyond my conscious comprehension.

There was nothing subtle about this dream though it was deeply disturbing to a part of me.  I understood that the moment I surrendered to losing control, I was accepting the wisdom and power of my Higher Self.

The ego loves to be in control, but true freedom comes from surrendering that control.

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